Westin Hotel, 1900 5th Avenue and on Zoom

Working to Close the Achievement Gap in Education
The Education Committee has been focused on closing the achievement gap for students of color and low income for many years. The committee's focus has traditionally had two components – one focused on early learners and literacy and the other on supporting young leaders and their pursuit of higher education. This program will showcase the impact of our work with the United Negro College Fund, our partner, in reaching promising young students who seek additional education after high school.
Our 3-year partnership with the United Negro College Fund has transformed the Winners for Life program. This meeting will highlight students who receive support from your SRSF contributions and are recognized at the UNCF Gala each year. In a panel discussion format, students who have received scholarships from Rotary funding will share their perspectives about how the keystone UNCF college application preparatory program, Portfolio Project, has supported them in their development and leadership. In this time of heightened awareness of the systemic inequities in our society and educational systems, you will not want to miss hearing about how your contributions help transform young lives and contribute to closing the achievement gap in education.
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